Sunday, March 14, 2010

A look at raised beds and organic gardening at The Garden.

Welcome to The Garden! This is the all organic raised bed garden of my Father and Grandfather Curfman. It is situated on one acre of land with their house, garage and greenhouse.

Everything you see has been built or grown by my Father (shown below) and Grandfather. They have even added bird boxes and feeders to attract birds that helps reduce the insects and pests in their garden.

This picture shows how they have built structures for beans, squash and tomatoes to grow on.
This picture also shows the different structures built for the plants to grow on and support them while they are growing. It also shows some cloches with green netting in the background protecting some plants.
This is the greenhouse that they designed and built. It has electric, water, panels in the roof that open and close for ventilation, room for storage and room for starting and growing plants. Inside the greenhouse is a water storage and irrigation system that was designed to collect the rain water off the roof. To the left of the greenhouse is tomato plants and grapevines.
Here is a view of the Purple Martin bird house (with the greenhouse in the background) that they built to help attract the birds to the garden.

Castor beans (are poisonous) which is the flower shown are grown through out the garden to rid the area of moles. Aren't they beautiful?
This is the fruit and produce stand at The Garden where the locals can stop and buy some of their organic produce. Look the sign says OPEN!

This is the scale that is used to weigh the produce. Everything about it reminds me of my Father. Also, a picture of the baskets the customers can use to pick their own produce is shown.
This is my Grandfather hard at work picking blueberries. The orchard is behind the greenhouse with apple, peach and pear trees.

View from the garage looking at The Garden

Looking down from the corner of the yard. Another view of The garden.

I can't wait to get my garden started. I hope this was an inspiration for you to get your garden started. You do not need a lot of space to grow a garden remember to use raised bed!

If you would like to see more gardening posts go to the right side of the page and click on Gardening under Categories to find deals.


  1. Hey Jess - Can't wait to look at this post in more detail. My daughter, Anna, and I took a class at Ashcombe last week on seed starting. We've got some things in egg cartons. Once more - thanks for the inspiration! Love the new background. It's adorable! Jamey

  2. We are SO talking about my garden plans when you come on Thursday! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!
